Appliqué is the process of cutting and applying fabric to a garment. Our embroidery department has the ability to work with several different kinds of appliqué to add dimension, value and interest to a design.

Felt Appliqué
This appliqué is classic, soft and very versatile. It can be used in single or double application to add greater dimension to a design.

Alpine Fleece
Our thickest and softest appliqué. Create fun by layering in with other appliqués.

Poly Pro Appliqué
This appliqué has a glossy appearance and works great for collegiate type designs.

Printed Patches
Finer details can be printed rather than sewn for an updated look to appliqué embroideries.

Laser Etching
Using a laser to discharge the dye in chino twill appliqué can create additional subtle details.

Metallic Thread
This thread adds a metallic shine to a design.

Raw Edge
Left unfinished, the raw edge will fray to achieve a trendy vintage look.

Multi Media
The combination of screen print and embroidery is a great way to add texture to a flat design.

3D Foam
Incredible dimension can be achieved using foam underneath stitches making designs pop from the fabric.